Eindhoven Airport
Check in online, pack your bags, head to the airport, check in your baggage, go through passport control and the security check, and then finally you’re ready to board the plane. Anyone who goes on holiday or a business trip by air is familiar with this unavoidable ritual, which can sometimes have the effect of banishing any holiday feelings. However, at Eindhoven Airport you can still get your head in the clouds by stopping in at The Cloud Club after you’ve checked in.
The Cloud Club is a welcoming self-service restaurant offering an all-day menu. Travellers can stop in for coffee or tea, a sandwich, or even a freshly prepared hot meal before departure. And those who are in too much of a hurry to relax in the Cloud Club’s colourful interior can grab something to go. The Cloud Club offers a range of great services in the seating area. For example, you can charge your telephone at the table, or set the countdown timer to alert you when you need to head for the gate. And if meeting new people is your thing, you can use the lamp on your table to invite others to pull up a chair. The Cloud Club will give you back that holiday feeling before you know it!