trend report:

The hospital as a connector in the healthcare landscape.

Connecting Hospital presentatie docbrown

In healthcare, much will change. The Integrated Care Agreement aims to find solutions for the discrepancy between the (growing) number of people in need of care and the (decreasing) number of caregivers. In addition, major trends such as cost control, technological innovation, and an increase in chronic conditions are at play. Hospital administrators face the challenge of driving change in a complex field of interests.

The Connecting Hospital trend report

Change is necessary and the Integrated Care Agreement gives direction: more collaboration, strengthening primary care, using technology, and prevention. Our research has shown that details still need to be defined; many hospitals are in an exploratory phase and search for their future position and the design of a matching organization.

In the The Connecting Hospital trend report, we offer insights into trends and their impact, and we make suggestions for a future vision that aligns with these insights. One thing seems certain in this respect, ‘connection’ is necessary for the success of the changes: the hospital as a connector in care networks and between people and teams.

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The hospital as a connecting center

Large offices and business centers have previously experienced changes similar to those in hospitals: increasing computerization, more part-timers, more screen work, and more remote work. Hospital organizations also focus more on team effort, personal growth, unity, and well-being. In short: on job satisfaction.These changes call for a new perspective on hospitality within hospitals. This vision includes the following pillars:

  • Integrated approach to nutrition
  • Hostmanship
  • Engagement
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Feel Connected

The results of this study show that we are still actively trying and exploring how to connect with The Connecting Hospital. Each hospital has its own challenges, wants , and needs. Therefore, the design of Connecting Hospitality will also differ in every hospital and will have different focus areas. Over time, we will develop new experiences and insights that will help shape The Connecting Hospital. The early signs are encouraging: many of the solutions mentioned are already being (partially) applied.

How to receive the trend report

The need for change seems indisputable. But what does that mean for your hospital organization? We would be happy to update you on the findings from our trend report. We have divided the trends and insights into 7 themes, and we take you through the 12 potential effects of the integral Connecting Hospitality approach. Would you like to receive the trend report and discuss our findings with us? Please fill in your contact details below, and Tessa Riesmeijer will get in touch with you.

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