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world of taste.

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avocado or avocadon’t?

We all know avocados as one of the superfoods. They’ve become enormously popular, and we’re now eating four times as many as we did a decade ago. However, the increased demand has had a significant environmental impact due to widespread deforestation. On top of that, the fact that a kilo of avocados uses an average of 1,000 litres of water means you really have a dilemma on your plate. Or not... your choice ;)

When life gives you lemons

make lemon iced tea

  • Bring a litre of water to the boil. Turn off the heat, allow the water to cool for 5 mins, add two green teabags and let them draw for 5 mins.
  • While you’re waiting, thinly slice 50g ginger, 25g turmeric and a lemon, and make superficial cuts to a stalk of lemongrass.
  • Add the ginger, turmeric, lemon, lemongrass and 15ml ginger syrup to the green tea.
  • Allow the tea to cool and add two sprigs of basil just before serving.
  • Your iced tea will be at its best when refrigerated, so we recommend making it a day ahead.
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